Under this denomination falls a new class of lattice models whose basic ingredient is the geometrical frustration. The models are defined on a lattice with particles of randomly chosen shapes and sizes. The only constraint in the system is that particles cannot overlap. The interactions are hence not spatially quenched but determined in a self-consistent way by local particle configurations.
Despite their seeming simplicity, these systems present a very rich response to perturbations: slow-relaxations, time-scale separations, spatial structures, memory, etc..
Some nice animations:
(Note that the time grows exponentially in during the animations: (simulated time) ~ exp(animation time))
Compaction: In this animation you see the dynamical evolution of the Tetris model. Each time step is the results of a tapping dynamics.
Coarsening: In this animation you see the dynamical evolution of the same system resolved now in the two possible type of domains.
Persistence: In this animation you see the persistent sites, i.e. the particles that neved moved during the dynamics up to the current time (in red) and the voids never occupied by a particle up to the current time (in black).
Compaction and Clusters syncronized
Compaction, Clusters and Persistent sites syncronized
Here there is a huge simulation (60k particles) with the corresponding domain resolved image
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